Betydningen av fysisk aktivitet i forhold til psykisk helse
The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge, insight and a deeper understanding of how
physical activity is apprehended. Also what kind of influence has in the prevention and
treatment of mental health. The study aims to understand the participant’s subjective
experience through their perspective. This master thesis is a qualitative study based on a
phenomenological and hermeneutical tradition. The empirical material is based on the
qualitative research interview. Five interviews have been conducted. The interview
subjects have experience with physical activity in relation to mental health, both through
work and personal experience.
The study’s theoretical framework is based on Aaron Antonovskys theory about health and
health promotion. Egil W.Martinsen literature and research has also been used.
The results of this study shows that physical activity is considered important in the
prevention and treatment of people's mental health. The study points out that exercise
activates the entire human being. It also shows a need for a holistic approach in prevention
and treatment purposes.
The study concludes with a correlation between physical activity and people’s sense of
coherence. Coping as well as motivation to find meaning in what people do, are important
factors to success in physical activity as prevention and treatment. The non - physiological
aspects of physical activity seems crucial for the health benefit of physical activity.
Physical activity, mental health, perception of context, coping, motivation, hermeneutic -
Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder 2010