Hva er egnethet? : en kvalitativ studie av gode møter i en akuttpsykiatrisk sykehuspost
What is suitability?
A quality study of good meetings in an acute psychiatric hospital ward.
The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge about and to clarify the
concept suitability in an acute psychiatric hospital ward. How are the gifted
member of staff, and how do patients and employees wish to be met? The focus is
the patients and employees descriptions of good meetings. The good examples are
to be put in the front. By clarifying the important factors in the field, the
knowledge of the good meetings will appear.
Theoretical basis:
This study is founded on a phenomenological-hermeneutic frame of
understanding and has a qualitative design.
The method is based on participating observation/fieldwork and qualitative
interviews of all together eight patients and employees at an acute psychiatric
hospital ward. The analysis has followed a qualitative content analysis.
The report describes the discovery that the relations between people are more
important than the methods. In relations are both humane values and fact based
realities mirrored like demands from the government. Factors of human
compassion play the basic role for good meetings and suitability. The findings
show the necessity of the opening in research, for the patient’s own stories and
knowledge. The materials of this study also points out the importance for
employees to do continues reflection concerning one’s own professional
performance. The psychiatric hospital as a field of tension, in spite of its dilemma,
might contain values like respect and human compassion. The discussion of this
study clarifies the important factors in a society context.
Suitability might be shown in demanding, though good meetings. The results
certify the utility value of the practical knowledge and experience of patients and
Keyword:Good meetings, suitability, relations, humanity, psychiatry, field of
Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder 2010