Samtaler gir samhold- der tanker og følelser settes i sving : en kvalitativ studie av et psykisk helsefremmende tiltak i videregående skole
This study is a qualitative study of a mental health promotion intervention in a secondary school in Vest Agder, Norway. In this intervention clinicians from Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health at Sørlandet sykehus visits ordinary school classes and facilitates an open dialogue on various topics of life.
The aim of this study is to evaluate and describe this intervention through an exploring of the students experience and understanding of it. The data of the study has consisted of 59 texts written by students who participated. The data was analyzed through a phenomenological hermeneutical method with the purpose of describing and understand the initiative on basis of the students own descriptions, understanding and experience.
The study shows that many students have a positive experience. They expressed that these dialogues in the class have contributed to the students open up to each other, that thoughts and feelings arise, and that the cohesion of the class is increased. Considering the possible mental health promoting aspects of this intervention perhaps the students’ descriptions of the dialogues having led them to think different (increased their reflection) and that the dialogues have strengthened cohesion of the class, seems particularly important. The students’ description of their increased reflection is consistent with – and confirms the vision behind the intervention. The students descriptions of strengthened cohesion is an aspect of the initiative that not equally have been an explicit goal.
It seems that students' descriptions are largely reflected in metaphorical expressions like opening up, put forward thoughts and ideas, come closer to each other. On the basis of metaphor theory, dialogue philosophy and ethics of proximity this study examine whether such metaphorical concepts, firstly, seem to give shape and structure to our experience and understanding of an interpersonal phenomenon like these dialogues in the class, and secondly, may represent a meaningful understanding of the dynamics of these dialogues
Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder 2010