På hvilken måte søker helsepersonell å hjelpe mennesker med psykiske lidelser til å mestre sin psykiske helse uten medikamenter?
In this study my goal has been to put the spotlight upon the knowledge and experience
of health personnel with regards to the way in which they provide treatment to people in
their care. The focus has been the way in which these health professionals seek to help
their patients in coping with mental health problems without resorting to the use of
drugs and to identify factors which can contribute beneficially.
In order to collect the necessary data, a series of five qualitative research interviews
were conducted. These interviews were with healthcare professionals representing
different treatment locations in secondary level care facilities in the mental health
This study is based mainly on three theories. The first is the theory belonging to the
sociologist Aaron Antonovsky that focuses on resources and abilities to cope with
problems in a health improving perspective. The second theory belongs to the
philosopher Michel Foucault and his description of knowledge, power and discipline in
society. The third theory belongs to the psychologist Anne-Lise Løvlie Schibbye and
discusses a dialectic understanding of relationships that focuses upon appreciation and
reflection in the dialogue.
My findings show that an understanding based approach gives people an experience of
feeling valued, increasing people's faith in themselves. The findings also show that the
power aspect of interpersonal encounters can be used constructively in the dialogue, so
that people will be able to cope with their mental health issues without resorting to the
use of drugs.
The conclusion is that the power aspect of the relationship and the dialogue between
health professionals and people who seek help turns out to be an important aid that
people can use to master their mental health by being an active participant in their own lives.
Masteroppgave i psyskisk helsearbeid- Universitetet i Agder 2010