Browsing Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications by Document Types "Working paper"
Now showing items 21-40 of 58
How Europe shapes the nature of the Belgian Federation. Differentiated EU impact triggers both cooperation and decentralization
(ISL Working Papers;, Working paper, 2012)Abstract. European integration triggers contrasting views from Belgian political elites. Proponents of con-federalism, further decentralization and separatism point to the decreasing importance of the central government ... -
How supranational are intergovernmental institutions? : assessing the socializing power of council working parties
(CES Working Papers;no 1, 2003, Working paper, 2003) -
Humboldt meets Schumpeter? Interpreting the ‘Entrepreneurial Turn’ in European Higher Education
(ISL Working Papers; no 2, Working paper, 2015)Universities are increasingly pressurized to respond to external imperatives and demands, while, at the same time, being expected to enhance both their efficiency and accountability. This is leading to the local adoption ... -
Images of Agency Governance in the European Union : Community institutions, autonomous administrative spaces, or multilevel network administrations?
(CES Working Papers;2006:5;, Working paper, 2006)Diagnosis of the transformation of executive governance in Europe must incorporate the diverse dynamics of EU-level agencies. This paper conceptualises theoretically and explores empirically multiple images of governance ... -
Implementing a health care reform through inter-municipal cooperation : Adaption and implementing the Norwegian cooperation-reform in three inter-municipal health regions
(ISL Working Papers;2012:5, Working paper, 2012)In this explorative article we will try to identify some issues and questions about how the Norwegian municipalities are preparing to implement the Cooperation reform and the new health care legislation. Our main focus is ... -
Internasjonalisering av forskning : endrede rammebetingelser og lokal tilpasning
(CES Working Papers;2005:8;, Working paper, 2005)This article illustrates traditional and emerging patterns of internationalisation of research. The article identifies changing national and international conditions for research, and analyses the actual research practices ... -
International executives : transformative bureaucracies or Westphalian orders?
(CES Working Papers;2004:2;, Working paper, 2004)Public Administration is in an era of change. This paper studies one under-researched part of public administration, the executive arms of International Governmental Organizations (IGOs). These are referred to as International ... -
Is the European Commission a hothouse for supranationalism? : theorising and exploring the world of Commission civil servants
(CES Working Papers;2005:7, Working paper, 2005)Does the European Commission (Commission) manage to transform and re-direct the roles played by Commission civil servants? To test the old neo-functionalist claim on loyalty transfer among civil servants, this article ... -
Kartlegging av herptiler med hovedvekt på slettsnok, og amfibiekartlegging i Kristiansand 30 år etter
(Working paper, 2023)Den nasjonale langtids-overvåkningen og forskningen på slettsnok (Coronella austriaca) fortsetter, og vi har en økende bekymring for at endrete vinterforhold gir redusert overlevelse av voksne slettsnoker. Vi oppmuntrer ... -
Lost in translation? : European integration and lanuage diversity
(CES Working Papers;2006:4;, Working paper, 2006)English is constantly moving forward and elucidates its role as lingua franca in the European Union. At the same time the Union has 20 official languages and promotes around 150 regional or minority languages under its ... -
'Macro-regionalisation' as a New Form of European Governance: The Case of the Europeans Union's Strategies for the Baltic Sea and the Danube Regions
(ISL Working Papers; 2013:3, Working paper, 2013)Abstract: With the adoption of the EU Strategies for the Baltic Sea Region in 2009 and the Danube Region in 2011, the European Union (EU) set out to forge a new ‘macro-regional’ approach focussing on functional and territorial ... -
(ISL Working Papers;2013, Working paper, 2013)Til tross for EUs overnasjonale karakter på de fleste politikkområder, har det vært vanlig å si at også medlemsstatene nyter en form for administrativ suverenitet. Med dette menes at selv om EUs politikk (for eksempel i ... -
Negotiating the European External Action Service (EEAS): Analysing the External Effects of Internal (Dis)Agreement
(ISL Working Papers;no 3, 2012, Working paper, 2012)Analyses of the rising capacity for coordination within the Secretariats-General of the European Commission and Council have concentrated on their effects within these respective institutions. This article, in contrast, ... -
De norske departementene under EØS-avtalen : flernivådeltakelse og byråkratisk vev
(CES Working Papers;2005:6;, Working paper, 2005) -
Organized systems and the ambiguities of behavior and change. Lessons from universities and jazz orchestras
(ISL Working Papers;, Working paper, 2013)Institutional change entails balancing multiple competing, inconsistent and often loosely coupled demands and concerns, often simultaneously. The ambition of this chapter is to discuss how organizations balance seemingly ... -
Perspektiver på størrelse og styringslogikk i organisasjoner
(ISL Working Papers;, Working paper, 2012)Temaet på NEON konferansen i år er “Organisering og størrelse”. Tittelen på mitt foredrag er: “Perspektiver på størrelse og styringslogikk i organisasjoner.” Jeg har valgt to hovedpunkt: 1) størrelse og effektivitet, og ... -
Political dynamics of the parallel administration of the European Commission
(CES Working Papers;2003:8, Working paper, 2003)ABSTRACT This chapter studies political dynamics at the micro-level of the European Commission and poses the following question: Does the European Commission manage to transform the loyalties and identities of Commission ... -
Re-discovering international executive institutions
(CES Working Papers;2004:5;, Working paper, 2004)Public Administration is in an era of change. This article aims at re-discovering one underresearched part of public administration, the executive arms of International Governmental Organizations (IGOs). These are referred ... -
Reforming hospitals through new roles of management : hospital managers' interpretation of leadership conditions in Denmark and Norway
(CES Working Papers;2004:6;, Working paper, 2004) -
(ISL Working Papers;, Working paper, 2015)ABSTRACT: The spitzenkandidaten procedure has been described as a coup d’état of the parliament against the council; a counter-revolution of the S&D against the PPE; something short of an illegal move against the treaties. ...