Browsing AURA by Author "Steen-Tveit, Kristine"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Enhancing Team Situational Awareness in Crime Scene Investigation through the Use of Head Cameras
Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Skattør, Bente (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, where data volumes are expanding at a dramatic rate, law enforcement agencies face the imperative to significantly boost their efficiency. Modern society is undergoing a ... -
From Common Operational Picture to Common Situational Understanding : A Framework for Information Sharing in Multi-Organizational Emergency Management
Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 383, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Complex emergencies such as natural disasters are increasing in frequency and scope, in all regions of the world. These emergencies have devastating impacts on people, property, and the environment. Responding to these ... -
From common operational picture to common situational understanding : An analysis based on practitioner perspectives
Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)The concepts of Situational Awareness (SA) and Common Operational Picture (COP) are closely related and well-acknowledged to be crucial factors for effective emergency management. In multi-agency operations, such as extreme ... -
Hvilke erfaringer har AMK operatører med Nødnett Helse? En kvantitativ studie som måler Nødnett Helses grad av IS-suksess og Helsedirektoratets mål for innføring.
Knatterud, Merethe; Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Master thesis, 2015)(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020) -
Identifying Information Requirements for Improving the Common Operational Picture in Multi-Agency Operations
Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Chapter, 2020)While there exists a considerable body of literature on the importance of a common operational picture (COP) in multi-agency emergency operations, the COP concept itself still lacks a univocal definition. Despite the lack ... -
Map-based interfaces for common operational picture
Opach, Tomasz; Rød, Jan Ketil; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Radianti, Jaziar; Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Grottenberg, Lars Ole (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Common operationalpicture (COP) map-based interfacesdisplay operational information to support integrationofemergency responders. Such interfacesintegrate different subsystems and present the resulting information into an ... -
Project report : Evaluering av INSITU skogbrannøvelse
Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Gjøsæter, Terje; Hagen, Dag Auby; Opach, Tomasz; Pilemalm, Sofie Elisabeth; Radianti, Jaziar; Rustenberg, Kjetil; Rød, Jan Ketil; Snaprud, Mikael; Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Research report, 2021)Rapporten presenterer resultater fra evaluering av en digital tabletop-øvelse arrangert av INSITU-prosjektet i april 2021, der scenarioet omfattet 3 samtidige skogbranner i Agder. Hensikt med øvelsen var å gi erfaring med ... -
Project report : Requirements specification
Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Opach, Tomasz; Radianti, Jaziar; Rød, Jan Ketil; Snaprud, Mikael; Grottenberg, Lars Ole; Pilemalm, Sofie; Bunker, Deborah; Majchrzak, Tim A.; Hagen, Dag Auby; Moen, Eivind; Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Research report, 2020)The SAMRISK project “Sharing incident and threat information for common situational understanding“ (INSITU) commenced in May 2019. The INSITU project develops solutions for establishing a common situational understanding ... -
SMS-based Real-time Data Collection for Evaluation of Situational Awareness and Common Operational Picture : Lessons Learned from A Field Exercise
Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Radianti, Jaziar; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik (Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020)Managing complex multi-agency emergency operations requires that the key actors have a holistic, correct and dynamic situational awareness (SA) and that the involved actors establish a common operational picture (COP). ... -
Turning Common Operational Picture Data into Double-loop Learning from Crises – can Vision Meet Reality?
Pilemalm, Sofie; Radianti, Jaziar; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Majchrzak, Tim A.; Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)This study proposes a framework for double-loop learning from crises, using common operational pictures (COP). In most crises, a COP is of outmost importance to gain a common understanding among inter-organizational response. ... -
Use of Standard Operating Procedures for Supporting Cross‑Organizational Emergency Management: Challenges and Opportunities Identifed from a Tabletop Exercise
Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Rustenberg, Kjetil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study investigated the crucial role of formulating and applying standard operating procedures (SOPs) in the context of emergency planning and response. The efective application of SOPs during operations is essential ... -
Using a Public Safety Radio Network for Information Negotiation between the Three-Tiered Command and Control Structure
Steen-Tveit, Kristine (Chapter, 2022) -
Using Audio-Logs for Analyzing the Development of a Common Operational Picture in Multi-agency Emergency Response
Steen-Tveit, Kristine; Radianti, Jaziar; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Multi-agency emergency response requires effective communication and collaboration for building and maintaining a common operational picture. Full-scale exercises are shown to be effective for learning, and for training ... -
Økt samarbeid i norske nødsentraler gjennom samlokalisering og digitalisering
Gauslaa, Martin Elias; Monge, Sondre Tråholt (Master thesis, 2024)Samlokalisering av en nødsentral omfatter prosedyren om å samle de ulike nødmeldetjenestene (110, 112 og 113) på samme fysiske plass. Dette er et av flere tiltak som er iverksatt for å forbedre nødsentralene, men ... -
Økt samarbeid i norske nødsentraler gjennom samlokalisering og digitalisering
Monge, Sondre Tråholt; Gauslaa, Martin Elias (Master thesis, 2024)Samlokalisering av en nødsentraler omfatter prosedyren om å samle de ulike nødmeldetjenestene (110, 112 og 113) på samme fysiske plass. Dette er et av flere tiltak som er iverksatt for å forbedre nødsentralene, men ...