Browsing AURA by Author "Söderhamn, Olle"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
Ability for self-care in urban living older people in southern Norway
Sundsli, Kari; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: The number of older people living in urban environments throughout the world will increase in the coming years. There is a trend in most European countries towards improved health among older people, and increased ... -
Being old and living alone in urban areas. The meaning of self-care and health on the perception of life situation and identity
Sundsli, Kari; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Living alone in urban areas when getting old is an important and necessary field for research as the growth of the urban population worldwide increases, and due to the fact that people live longer. How older ... -
Construct validity of the Moral Development Scale for Professionals (MDSP)
Söderhamn, Olle; Bjørnestad, John Olav; Skisland, Anne; Cliffordson, Christina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The aim of this study was to investigate the construct validity of the Moral Development Scale for Professionals (MDSP) using structural equation modeling. The instrument is a 12-item self-report instrument, developed in ... -
Life situation and identity among single older home-living people: A phenomenological-hermeneutic study
Dale, Bjørg; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Being able to continue living in their own home as long as possible is the general preference for many older people, and this is also in line with the public policy in the Nordic countries. The aim of this study was to ... -
Lived experiences of self-care among older physically active urban-living individuals
Sundsli, Kari; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Promoting physical activity is a public health priority in most industrial countries, and physical function is an important factor when taking into consideration older people's self-care and health. Despite the ... -
Lived experiences of self-care among older physically active urban-living individuals
Sundsli, Kari; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Promoting physical activity is a public health priority in most industrial countries, and physical function is an important factor when taking into consideration older people’s self-care and health. Despite the ... -
Lived experiences of self-care among older, home-dwelling individuals identified to be at risk of undernutrition
Tomstad, Solveig T; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espenes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Introduction: In a society where most older people live in their own homes, it may be expected of older individuals to exercise their potential to take care of themselves in daily life. Nutrition is a central aspect of ... -
Lived experiences of self-care among older, home-dwelling individulas identified to be at risk of undernutrition
Tomstad, Solveig Thorbjørnsen; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Introduction: In a society where most older people live in their own homes, it may be expected of older individuals to exercise their potential to take care of themselves in daily life. Nutrition is a central aspect of ... -
Living alone, receiving help, helplessness, and inactivity are strongly related to risk of undernutrition among older home-dwelling people
Tomstad, Solveig T; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: Being at risk of undernutrition is a global problem among older people. Undernutrition can be considered inadequate nutritional status, characterized by insufficient food intake and weight loss. There is a lack ... -
Narrated lived experiences of self-care and health among rural-living older persons with a strong sense of coherence
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Dale, Bjørg; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Sense of coherence (SOC), with its components comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness, is a major factor in the ability to cope successfully with stressors and is closely related to health. Qualitative studies ... -
Nutritional screening of older home-dwelling Norwegians: a comparison between two instruments
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Dale, Bjørg; Sundsli, Kari; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: It is important to obtain knowledge about the prevalence of nutritional risk and associated factors among older home-dwelling people in order to be able to meet nutritional chal- lenges in this group in the ... -
Nutritional self-care in two older Norwegian males - A case study
Tomstad, Solveig Thorbjørnsen; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article, 2013) -
Nutritional self-care in two older Norwegian males - A case study
Tomstad, Solveig T; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Espnes, Geir Arild; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Knowledge about how to support nutritional self-care in the vulnerable elderly living in their own homes is an important area for health care professionals. The aim of this case study was to evaluate the effects ... -
Participation in physical and social activities among home-dwelling persons with dementia - experiences of next of kin
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Landmark, Bjørg; Eriksen, Sissel; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Introduction: To be next of kin to a home-dwelling person with dementia is known to be a heavy burden, especially early in the process. Studies have revealed a need for information and support during the disease process. ... -
Participation in physical and social activities among home-dwelling persons with dementia – experiences of next of kin
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Landmark, Bjørg; Eriksen, Sissel; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Introduction: To be next of kin to a home-dwelling person with dementia is known to be a heavy burden, especially early in the process. Studies have revealed a need for information and support during the disease process. ... -
Phenomenological perspectives on self-care in aging
Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Self-care is a central concept in health care and may be considered as a means to maintain, restore, and improve one's health and well-being. When performed effectively, self-care contributes not only to human functioning ... -
Phenomenological perspectives on self-care in aging
Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article, 2013)Self-care is a central concept in healthcare and may be considered as the means to maintain, restore and improve health and well-being. When performed effectively, self-care contributes not only to human functioning but ... -
Psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) among older people living at home
Dale, Bjørg; Söderhamn, Ulrika; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Introduction: The incidence and prevalence of mental problems among older people are difficult to map because the causes are often complex and the symptoms manifest in a range of ways. Therefore, there is a need for robust ... -
Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version of the Nutritional Form For the Elderly among older home-dwelling people
Söderhamn, Ulrika; Dale, Bjørg; Sundsli, Kari; Tomstad, Solveig T; Söderhamn, Olle (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)BACKGROUND: Nutritional screening instruments need to be evaluated in terms of reliability and validity and being able to demonstrate sensitivity and specificity for use in clinical practice and research. The aims of this ... -
Self-care and anticipated transition into retirement and later life in a Nordic welfare context
Söderhamn, Olle; Skisland, Anne; Herrman, Margaretha (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Few studies have appeared in the health care literature on the meaning of transition into retirement and later life. However, this predictable-involuntary transition may influence personal health and well-being, and studying ...