Nonlinear Hydrostatic Restoring Characteristics of a Spar Floating Wind Turbine
Original version
Pang, Z., Feng, A., Jiang, Z., Verma, A. S. & Chen, K. (2022). Nonlinear Hydrostatic Restoring Characteristics of a Spar Floating Wind Turbine. Proceedings of the ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Volume 5A: Ocean Engineering. Hamburg, Germany. June 5–10, 2022. V05AT06A036.
Floating wind turbine technologies have worldwide applications. Regarding the wind turbine floater stability, there are three principal design philosophies: ballast-, buoyancy- and mooring-stabilized. Although linear hydrostatic stiffness coefficient has been applied in most hydro-aero-elastic codes, accurate calculation of the nonlinear hydrostatic restoring forces is important for the floating stability evaluation and load. This study selects a 5-megawatt spar floating wind turbine as a representative floater. The nonlinear hydrostatic stiffness coefficient for different heeling angles is analytically calculated and compared against those obtained by a hydrodynamic software, and an excellent match is shown. A sensitivity study is carried out to consider the uncertainties in the hydrostatic stiffness due to varying geometry and weight distribution. The present results can be applied in the time-domain simulations for floating wind turbines. Nonlinear Hydrostatic Restoring Characteristics of a Spar Floating Wind Turbine