Generative AI utilization: How developers utilize Generative AI
After the deployment of generative AI, many organizations have been quick to find a way to implementit into their work processes in the hope that it will increase efficiency. There are however challenges thatcome with generative AI, and it is important that organizations attempting to adapt generative AI areaware of the challenges and the opportunities, to prevent common issues and increase efficiency. Thisstudy attempts to answer the research problem “how do software developers utilize generative AI?” toestablish the most effective use cases, how to ensure quality and how users get motivated into using it.This is a qualitative study where we have conducted semi-structured interviews with employees inconsultant companies with technical knowledge, like developers, because they have a more naturalcuriosity towards new technology and can in turn provide better insights that other non-technicalprofessions can provide. After analyzing the data from the interviews, we were able to identify some keyfactors that managers should consider when implementing generative AI themselves.We have identified how important it is with knowledge work, as intrinsic motivation is the main drivingfactor for generative AI utilization, and the more an employee knows about the possibilities of generativeAI, the more they are willing to use it.We identified two categories of use modes, explore, and accelerate, which depending on the use case, hasdifferent requirements for accuracy. Accelerate mode is when users use generative AI to completesimple, but time-consuming tasks. In these cases, it is very important that there are security measures inplace to ensure that the work being completed is correct and according to company standards. In exploremode, generative AI is used for inspiration and discussions, and nothing it creates is used directly, andtherefore the accuracy is not as important.Too many rules and regulations with generative AI decreases employee’s motivation and increases thetime spent on the task. Because of legal and privacy issues, developers can share very little of the codebase with generative AI, and without that contextual understanding, generative AI provides subparanswers. A solution to this is integrated large language models that are trained on company data and donot share this data. Solutions like these have a much better contextual understanding of the project andremove the ability for the users to commit mistakes.The findings in this thesis suggest more research into specific types of large language models, as well asstudying these principles on other professions, to establish how they affect employees from less technicalprofessions.