Case Study of Alternatives to Grid Expansion: Reducing Grid Connection Requirements for Large Scale EV Charging Stations through Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Integration
The increasing share of electric vehicles requires more charging stations, which in turn de-mands more available grid capacity. In many situations, this necessitates an expansion inthe regional and transmission grid, which is both expensive and time consuming. This thesisexplores the possibility that an integrated energy system consisting of PV, battery energystorage systems, and hydrogen energy storage systems can reduce the investment costs forgrid connection at new large-scale charging stations (1-10 MW). Additionally, the load pat-tern and the correlation between load and traffic patterns were examined. The thesis looksat four different locations near the main highway in Agder County, where the proportionof seasonal tourists is high. An optimization model developed by S. Myhre was used as acomparison tool to identify the most cost-effective solution for grid connection. This modelaims to find the most optimal solution for grid connection based on minimizing investmentcosts, the model considers both grid reinforcement and alternatives technologies such as solarpower and energy storage.
The following cases were simulated:• The lowest investment cost for grid connection, considering today’s (2024) cost of gridconnection and alternative technologies.• The lowest investment cost for grid connection in a future cost situation, evaluatedfrom a long-term perspective that takes into account technological developments andcost reductions for alternative technologies.• How much investment costs need to fall for the various elements in Integrated EnergySystem (IES) for the technologies to have a lower investment cost than traditional gridexpansion.• What is the lowest investment cost for the combination of grid connection when themodel is forced to limit grid expansion.• What is the best investment for grid connection considering the lifetime of the grid andalternative technologies, when the model is forced to limit grid expansion.
The load at the charging stations near the main thoroughfare in Agder County has highactivity during the holiday seasons of Christmas, Easter, and the summer holiday. Addi-tionally, the charging stations typically have peak load demand in the middle of the dayduring the high season, while during the rest of the year the peak load demand is usuallyafter working hours. It was also observed that the load and traffic patterns correlated betterat locations where the proportion of commuters is lower.
The results show that in the current cost scenario, the alternative technologies are not moreprofitable than grid expansion. However, by 2030, the cost of PV could fall enough to have alower investment cost than traditional expansion, but will lead to weaker supply security. By2050, the cost of batteries with a C-rate of 0.5 (indicating they can fully discharge in 2 hours)could potentially decrease significantly, thereby helping to reduce some of the reliance ongrid connections. Batteries with lower C-rates and hydrogen energy storage systems, will notbe profitable by 2050. If one wishes to replace grid capacity with alternative technologies thetotal investment cost will grow exponentially with grid capacity reduction. A small reduc-tion in grid capacity will have a small increase in investment cost, while a large reduction ingrid capacity will lead to a significantly higher investment cost. Over a 30-year perspective,it will still be profitable to invest in solar cell production, when one can sell the excess energy.
The authors recommend replacing the current optimization solver with a commercial prod-uct that is faster and can handle more complex models. This provides an opportunity toexpand the model to include a more complete grid tariff, include more technologies, rebuildthe model to consider the total investment, a stochastic analysis of load and demand analysisand/or use traffic patterns as the basis for the estimation