Optimizing Educational Videos for Mobile Platforms
As digital advancements have dominated the past decades, educational videoshave emerged as one of the key methods of delivering content, engaging studentsand offering deep understanding for learners remotely. This master thesis willexplore the current methods used in creating educational videos, and challengethese methods by comparing them to a new style of educational videos specif-ically made for mobile devices. A total of (N=104) participants participatedin this study across all phases of data collection. A preliminary context of useanalysis will create the foundation of our research, while a literature reviewand expert interviews have been conducted to unveil the state of the art withineducational videos to establish a framework for the creation of videos used intesting. Two methods have been tested in this thesis. Firstly, the optimalformat for educational videos on mobile devices, comparing the effectivenessof a vertical video against a horizontal video. Secondly, whether the inclusionof a presenter is beneficial, rather than the implementation of supplementaryillustrations and images. Effectiveness can be defined as "The ability to besuccessful and produce the intended results." [11] The intended results of thisthesis are to measure what method performed best regarding overall experi-ence, attention and engagement. The vertical video facilitated a 50% greaterpersonal connection to the viewers compared to the horizontal video presented.71,4% of participants who consumed the vertical video were in agreement withthe preference of this format, rather than the horizontal format. In contrast, inthe group that viewed the horizontal video, only 33,4% of participants agreedthat they preferred the horizontal video format rather than the vertical format.Furthermore, the cause of the personal connection provided by the vertical for-mat was investigated. The video containing illustrations and images exclusivelyperformed significantly better in regards to the participant’s overall experience,engagement and attention compared to the video including a presenter. Thesefindings suggest that a vertical video featuring only illustrations is the optimalformat for creating a short, introductory video that provides surface-level infor-mation. Future research should explore the possibilities of the vertical formatand the optimal combination of including a presenter and illustrations.