Folkeeventyr og elevers eksistensielle søken : En studie av folkeeventyrenes bidrag til barns eksistensielle søken i et flerkulturelt klasserom
The research question for this master thesis is: “How can working with fairy tales in a multicultural classroom contribute to children ́s existential quest, and how is this expressed through a group of teachers ́ reflections?". In order to gain insight into the teachers' reflections, I have included the research questions:“How does the teachers ́ at a primary school use fairy tales in the Norwegian school subject, and how do they justify the value of working with fairy tales?”, “In what waycanthe use of fairy talesin teaching help facilitate adapted education?” and “How can the teacher influence the place of the fairy taleand preserve all of its distinctive featuresin school?”The method used for collecting data was qualitative. The empirical material wasretrieved through group interviews conducted on focus groups. Four teachers ́teaching in the Norwegian school subject at primary school contributed with their thoughts, experiences and reflections.In the analysis I used a method where I abstracted the essence of meaning fromthe informants statements. Further it was illuminated by alreadyexisting theory on fairy tales. The idea is that empirical data together with theory would provide into how work with fairytales can contribute to children's existential questin a multicultural classroom.The goal is not necessarily to reach a conclusion, but to contributein the discussion offairy talesas a theme.The starting point for the study is SylviPenne's claim that teachers are struggling to legitimize the place of fiction in school. In addition, the study builds on my own claim that the use of fairy tale largely dependson the individual teacher's interest. My claim is justified in the fact that theyarebarely mentioned explicitly in the curriculum, which further imposes great responsibility on the teachers. Fairy tales has existed in the culture for centuries. In its original form it was not made for children, but one can still say that it communicates with them in a very special way. Within safe frameworks existentialproblems one can encounter on the road to life as an adult participant of the community, and difficult emotions,is addressed. Fairy tales show how this can contribute to personal development and life lessons.Important key points here are liberation from parents, evil feelings, interactionand acceptance for both themselves and others.It is not obvious that the fairy tales will maintainits place in school. To preserve the genre with all its distinctive features one must reflect on, and discuss, its value.
Masteroppgave grunnskolelærerutdanning trinn 1-7 NO502 - Universitetet i Agder 2019