Den skjøre balansen mellom frihet og tvang : En undersøkelse av litteraturundervisningen og lærernes og elevenes opplevelse av den
This studyfocuses on how the Norwegian teachers can structure the literature didactics in a way that creates understandingand interest in reading fiction,among junior high school students. The background for this thesis is a trend in the society where we see fewer teenagers reading fiction today than before. At the same time, however, reading fiction is an important part of the Norwegian language class. In this way the Norwegian teachers are given a great responsibility for the students’ meeting with fiction.This topic is highlighted from multiple angles in this thesis, to give a wide perspective. Theoreticalstudies, textual analyses, observations, teacher interviewsandconversations with students are all included as ways of highlighting the topic. All of this contributes to creating abackground for being able to state how the Norwegian teachers can, through these classes, create a framework for a literature education that will help create reading enthusiasm.At a time where the school is characterized by a lot of tests as well as aneed and usage requirement, many ask themselves whatrole fiction plays inthis. One possible answer might be to focuson the utility and usage function, and justify the value of the fiction in this way. This is related to the efferent reading. Anyone who loves fiction will be concerned with much more than this. Includingthat which goes far beyond what is possible to measure in school. We can call it an aesthetic reading. In this way, fiction might function as a weight against these requirements. The literature can be aplace where the students can get to know themselves better, as well as other peopleand different cultures, and in this way be better equipped inthe real world. The material in this thesis shows that it is possible to create literature didactics that increases both a student’s understanding of and interest in fiction. Meanwhile, this will demand conscious decisions of the Norwegian teachers. My master’s thesis is just a drop in the ocean in this context. Nevertheless, I believe it will contribute to focusing on important aspects of this topic.
Masteroppgave grunnskolelærerutdanning trinn 1-7 NO502 - Universitetet i Agder 2019