Condition monitoring of steel wire ropes
By utilising the measurements from a commercial acoustic emission sensor system, magnetic tester
and a camera system, conducted during four separate simple bending fatigue tests of steel wire ropes
(SWR), several measurable quantities of the SWR which indicate deterioration were identi ed. Based
on the measurements of a commercial acoustic emission sensor system of one of the tests in this thesis,
the fatigue process of a SWRs in a simple bending test is three-phase, with a relatively long rstand
second phase, showing little- and steady increase in activity, respectively, followed by a shorter
phase with a ramp up of activity. This three-phase process was recognised in the three other simple
bending tests through the processed measurements of a magnetic tester. For the rst time, changes
in the lay length of a SWR were detected using a camera system. Diameter measurements using
the same camera system were unsuccessful. For one of the SWR tested, a total of ten completely
ruptured strands were counted after the SWR had been discarded. However, none of these strands was
located in the outer layer of the wire, thus, with the ISO 4309 recommended assessment method for
fractured strand(s) being visual inspection [5, p. 11], none of them would have been detected, which is
contradictory to ISO 4309's recommendation on discarding the SWR immediately if only one fractured
strand is identi ed [5, p. 19]. A short video of the thesis is posted online and can be accessed through:
Master's thesis Mechatronics MAS500 - University of Agder 2018