Browsing Master's theses in Primary Teacher Education by Title
Now showing items 26-31 of 31
«Sover mamma der hun er nå?» : En studie av hvordan barns sorg framstilles i et utvalg norske, moderne bildebøker
(Master thesis, 2019)In this master`s thesis I analyze the two modern, norwegian picture books Annas Himmel (2013) by Stian Hole and Eg kan ikkje sove no (2008) by Stein Erik Lunde and Øyvind Torseter. In this thesis I study how childrens grief ... -
Tilrettelegging for den første lese-og skriveopplæringen
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this master’s thesis is to shed light on different ways teachers can facilitate the first reading and writing training. The study looks at different work methods and strategies that teachers can use to ensure ... -
Valgfrie språkformer i nynorsk rettskriving : En undersøkelse av grunnskoleelevers kunnskaper og bruk av valgfrie språkformer i nynorsk rettskriving, samt lærerens påvirkning på elevenes innsikt og formvalg
(Master thesis, 2018)In this master thesis, pupils with Nynorsk as their secondary native language is examined on their knowlede about and choice of language forms in the Nynorsk orthography. The teacher’s influence of the pupils are also ... -
”Vi er jo alle leselærere” : Hvordan er Kunnskapsløftets syn på lesing integrert i lærernes refleksjon rundt eget arbeid med lesing på ungdomstrinnet?
(Master thesis, 2018)The autumn of 2006, a new curriculum, "Kunnskapsløftet", was published, and as a result the fundamental abilities were engraved. It was emphasized that basic abilities should be integrated, and act as a supportive element ...