Kva med oss? : hvordan se annerledes ut, og vokse opp i et hovedsakelig etnisk norsk miljø?
The theme of this study is how it feels to look different, and grow up in an anvironment existing mainly of ethnic Norwegians. The basis are stories about this written by internationally adopted people over 18 years of age. The task is a qualitative study, which uses a narrative approach in form of a specialty controlled life history. The purpouse of the study is to look at the story of each informant. The background of the study is 12 stories, and these are given by the foundation “Adopsjonsforum”. It`s the informants themselves who have created the different themes. In the analysis I have used Malterud (2008) as a source. The informants have looked back at their period of growing up, and have given us an insight in their lives. The stories told me something about their world, and their experience. With their voices I hope this study could put focus on their situation. To feel Norwegian, but look different, makes it special for some to grow up in our country. This study tries to put focus on this way of being different. The conclution is that the informants are divided in ways of feeling different. This also depends on how much the ethnic part matters. Relations to their biological family and adoptive family also divide the informants in how their upbringing have been felt. The study have told me to look at ways of being different, and growing up with differences in a new way.
Masteroppgave i psykisk helsearbeid ME504 Universitetet i Agder 2013