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Kampen om gaderne : Gadepolitik og rumlige krav i 1930'ernes politiske kultur
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 320, Doctoral thesis, 2021)During the interwar period, political youth took to the streets with posters, leaflets, and loudspeaker vans, marches, symbols, and uniformed squads of activists. These modern forms of propaganda were utilised by political ... -
Kampklar! Militant antifascistisk mobilisering i Danmark 1930-36
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Kartlegging av herptiler med hovedvekt på slettsnok, og amfibiekartlegging i Kristiansand 30 år etter
(Working paper, 2023)Den nasjonale langtids-overvåkningen og forskningen på slettsnok (Coronella austriaca) fortsetter, og vi har en økende bekymring for at endrete vinterforhold gir redusert overlevelse av voksne slettsnoker. Vi oppmuntrer ... -
Kartlegging av skoglemen - indikatorart for urørt granskog. Buskerud fylke 1999
(Research report, 2000) -
Keeping track of samples in multidisciplinary fieldwork
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Kernel-Based Inference of Functions Over Graphs
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Kick Detection and Influx Size Estimation during Offshore Drilling Operations using Deep Learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Kindergarten teachers’ orchestration of mathematical activities afforded by technology: agency and mediation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016) -
Kindergarteners building a library of their own. Using apps to make digital stories and work towards lifelong learning in information literacy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Kirker, korona og nettbaserte gudstjenester
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021) -
Kjønn og religiøse grenser: Unge muslimer og kristnes forhandlinger av kjønn i migrantmenigheter
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019) -
Kjønnede hverdagsliv og likestillingsutfordringer på Agder. Regionale særtrekk og variasjoner i landsdelen
(Chapter, 2020)Helt siden Statistisk sentralbyrå (heretter SSB) lanserte sin likestillingsindeks i 1999, har Agder kommet dårlig ut på statistikk som har som formål å måle grad av kjønnslikestilling på ulike områder, sammenlignet med ... -
Knowledge boundaries for implementation of quality improvement interventions; a qualitative study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: Implementation and adoption of quality improvement interventions have proved difficult, even in situations where all participants recognise the relevance and benefits of the intervention. One way to describe ... -
Knowledge Creation - A Perspective on the Development of Design Principles
(International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology;, Chapter, 2020)In this paper we reflect on and conceptualize on the development of design principles in a design process. We use the concept of ba to describe how design principles can be created when involving users, domain experts, ... -
Knowledge Exchange Through Science Diplomacy to Assist Disaster Risk Reduction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021) -
Knowledge management and career readiness: a review and synthesis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This study aims to examine the relationship between knowledge management and career development in an era characterized by high levels of youth unemployment and a demand for specialized skills. Despite the increasing ... -
Knowledge management in franchising : a research agenda
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Purpose – This paper aims to offer a comprehensive systematic review of knowledge management (KM) in franchising literature over the past 29 years. Design/methodology/approach – By means of bibliometric citation analysis, ... -
Knowledge Management towards a digitalization era: systematic review of past research and future directions
(Chapter, 2017)This paper presents a systematic analysis of knowledge management (KM) research spanning the last four decades. The analysis is tracing the research paradigms, the theoretical premises and the objects of study of extant ... -
Knowledge Mobilization in Agile Information Systems Projects: A Literature Analysis
(Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management;1, Chapter; Conference object, 2022)This study focuses on how knowledge is mobilized in agile information systems (IS) projects. One crucial success factor of those projects is to mobilize knowledge through different knowledge management processes. It is ... -
Knowledge Transfer
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In modern “knowledge societies” (Stehr 1994), knowledge is increasingly depicted as essential for economic growth and social and political inclusion. Consequentially, training and research facilities such as schools and ...