Master's theses in Music Management
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Øvingsopplæringa i kulturskulen Kva øvingsmetodar vektlegg instrumentalpedagogen i kulturskulen for å skapa ein berekraftig øvingskultur?
(Master thesis, 2023)Samandrag I denne masteroppgåva tek eg føre meg øvingsopplæringa i kulturskulen og kva øvingsmetodar musikklæraren i kulturskulen vektlegg for å skapa ein berekraftig øvingskultur. For å samla inn data til oppgåva har eg ... -
Fløytistar og belastningsskadar: Kva erfaringar og kunnskap har fløytestudentar i Noreg om førebygging og handtering av belastningsskadar?
(Master thesis, 2022)I denne masteroppgåva tek eg føre meg fløytestudentar i Noreg sine erfaringar og kunnskap om belastningsskadar relatert til deira instrumentutøving. For å samla data til dette prosjektet har eg intervjua 4 fløytestudentar, ... -
Sustained Impulses
(Master thesis, 2022) -
The Effects of COVID-19 on Norwegian Artists : An explorative research of Norwegian artists ́ wellbeing and worklife during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Master thesis, 2021)In this thesis the focus mainly lies on how Norwegian artists were reported during the COVID-19 pandemic, from the pandemic came to Norway until the end of this thesis, which is about halfway into 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic ... -
TONO-reporting in Norwegian Churches : A quantitative study and analysis of reporting practices and its prominence amongst free churches in Norway
(Master thesis, 2021)Modern churches are some of the most frequent music users in our society. Many of them have several services during a week, and worship music is a very important component here. Contemporary worship music is performed in ... -
Determining the impacts of a global pandemic on the strategic standpoints of Norwegian music festivals
(Master thesis, 2021)Available from 01/07/2026 -
Copyright Laws and Digital Piracy in Music Industries : The Relevance of Traditional Copyright Laws in the Digital Age and How Music Industries should cope with the ongoing Piracy Culture
(Master thesis, 2020)The copyright laws formed in the publishing age in the eighteenth century have come a long way to the twenty-first century of the modern digital age. From the Statute of Anne in 1710 to Music Modernization Act in the U.S. ... -
The Impact of Music Industry : Digital Innovations on Economic Development – A case study of Nigeria
(Master thesis, 2020)Building on the disruptive innovation theory and Do-It-Yourself concept, the study examines the impact of music industry digital innovationson the Nigerian economy. Based on the analysis of 10 interview ... -
Hvilken rolle spiller musikken? : En undersøkelse i moderne kunstnerisk ledelse
(Master thesis, 2020)Jeg ville inn i ulike kunstneriske arrangement og se på hva som lå bak valget av musikk. Det gjaldt konserter, teaterforestillinger, sammensatte konsertforestillinger med flere virkemidler, og i samarbeidsprosjektene til ... -
Art-Entrepreneurship In The Music Business
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Knottekunst . En studie av norske live teknikere
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage : A study on the present state of protection of intangible cultural heritage through the work of UNESCO and WIPO
(Master thesis, 2019)This study seeks to discover the present state of protection given to intangible cultural heritageand traditional knowledge. By looking at the past and present work UNESCO and WIPO, and other related works, the research ... -
(Master thesis, 2018)Building on two marketing theories: the product and marketing concept, this study conceptualizes how music sampling, consumers’ income and attitude affect streaming subscription in Nigeria. ... -
Impact of Digitization on Media and Media Presence of Debut Bands within Hard Rock and Metal Genres
(Master thesis, 2018)Since its introduction to the market, digital technology has continuously challenged various industries and their business models, including that of the media industry. Although the media industry was formerly ascribed the ... -
Effects of the implementation of the CRM Directive on the Norwegian music environment : Direct and indirect effects of the Directive in the case of Norway
(Master thesis, 2018)Since the beginning of digitalisation, the music industries have struggled to develop systems for the accurate and fair collection and distribution of remuneration for the exploitation of rights. Systems are often found ... -
Traditional project management vs project management in the music industry : Research to identify whether project management within the music industry is similar than in other industries.
(Master thesis, 2018)This research paper is addressing the topic of project management within the music industry. The background of this thesis is based on the author’s personal interest in project management and the music business. The ... -
How to make people become Ambassadors of Jazz - A Comparative Case Study of Voluntary Jazz Concert Promoters in Agder
(Master thesis, 2018)This study observes the comparative cases of two jazz clubs in the region of Agder, South of Norway. The cases investigated are the Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) and voluntary associations (VOs); Kristiansand Jazzvesen ... -
How to get your song playlisted on Spotify
(Master thesis, 2018)