• Arctic avian predators synchronise their spring migration with the northern progression of snowmelt 

      Curk, Teja; Pokrovsky, Ivan; Lecomte, Nicolas; Aarvak, Tomas; Brinker, David F.; Burnham, Kurt; Dietz, Andreas; Dixon, Andrew; Franke, Alastair; Gauthier, Gilles; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Kidd, Jeff; Lewis, Stephen B.; Øien, Ingar J.; Sokolov, Aleksandr; Sokolov, Vasiliy; Solheim, Roar; Weidensaul, Scott; Wiebe, Karen; Wikelski, Martin; Therrien, Jean-François; Safi, Kamran (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Migratory species display a range of migration patterns between irruptive (facultative) to regular (obligate), as a response to different predictability of resources. In the Arctic, snow directly influences resource ...
    • Density‑dependent winter survival of immatures in an irruptive raptor with pulsed breeding 

      McCabe, Rebecca A.; Therrien, Jean‑François; Wiebe, Karen; Gauthier, Gilles; Brinker, David; Weidensaul, Scott; Reid, Donald; Doyle, Frank I.; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Aarvak, Tomas; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Solheim, Roar; Fitzgerald, Guy; Smith, Norman; Bates, Kirk; Fuller, Mark; Miller, Erica; Elliott, Kyle H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021)
      Highly mobile predators can show strong numerical responses to pulsed resources, sometimes resulting in irruptions where large numbers of young invade landscapes at a continental scale. High production of young in irruption ...
    • Effects of satellite transmitters on survival in Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus 

      Heggøy, Oddvar; Aarvak, Tomas; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Solheim, Roar; Zazelenchuk, Dan; Stoffel, Marten; Kleven, Oddmund (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The use of tracking devices to monitor birds is extensive, but the effects of such instruments on equipped individuals are still insufficiently taken into account. Here we evaluate potential effects of backpack-mounted ...
    • Home range and excursive post-breeding movements of Eurasian Eagle-owls revealed by GPS satellite transmitters 

      Heggøy, Oddvar; Aarvak, Tomas; Ranke, Peter Sjolte; Solheim, Roar; Øien, Ingar Jostein (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Investigating space use of wild birds provides important knowledge of bird behavior and ecology, which is crucial in the management and conservation of threatened species. In the present study, we used GPS satellite telemetry ...
    • Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) males select the highest vantage points around nests. 

      Solheim, Roar; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Aarvak, Tomas; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      In July 2007 we collected a total of 309 Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus) pellets from 35 vantage points in an area where we located four Snowy Owl territories in northern Norway. The number of pellets found at each vantage ...
    • Status assessment and conservation priorities for a circumpolar raptor: the Snowy Owl Bubo scandiacus 

      McCabe, Rebecca A.; Aarvak, Tomas; Aebischer, Adrian; Bates, Kirk; Bêty, Joël; Bollache, Loïc; Brinker, David; Driscoll, Cindy; Elliot, Kyle H.; Fitzgerald, Guy; Fuller, M.; Gauthier, Gilles; Gilg, Olivier; Gousy-Leblanc, Marianne; Holt, Denver; Jacobsen, Karl-Otto; Johnson, David; Kulikova, Olga; Lang, Johannes; Lecomte, Nicolas; McClure, Christopher; McDonald, Tom; Menyushina, Irina; Miller, Erica; Morozov, V.V.; Øien, Ingar Jostein; Robillard, Audrey; Rolek, Brian; Sittler, Benoît; Smith, Norman; Sokolov, Alexandr; Sokolova, N.; Solheim, Roar; Soloviev, Mikhail; Stoffel, Marten; Weidensaul, Scott; Wiebe, Karen L.; Zazelenchuck, Dan; Therrien, Jean‑François (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      The global population and status of Snowy Owls Bubo scandiacus are particularly challenging to assess because individuals are irruptive and nomadic, and the breeding range is restricted to the remote circumpolar Arctic ...