• Enjoyment of Interactive Fiction Compared to Non-Interactive fiction, in a Norwegian EFL Classroom 

      Ørnholt, Thomas (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master’s thesis aims to shed light on using “interactive fiction” (IF) to promote reader engagement in a Norwegian EFL (English foreign language) classroom. In this thesis I look at interactive fiction in light of ...
    • Intercultural competence through text in the EFL classroom 

      Christophersen, Gunder Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)
      The aim of this thesis is to gather the pupils experience with intercultural competence. As part of LK20 it is specifically mentioned that working with texts should help develop the students ability to reflect on and assess ...
    • Reading with a Mission 

      Hornnes, Ane Kongevold (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis seeks to investigate how first-year students of general studies experience task-based intensive reading of short stories in the English subject. The research questions asked further if the students experienced ...
    • Reestablishing the joy of reading 

      Riber, Eline L. (Master thesis, 2022)
      This thesis examines teachers’ perspectives and experiences working with extensive reading in the English subject in middle school. In addition, it analyzes how the teachers facilitate reading pleasure in their lessons. ...
    • Regional kompetanseutvikling i barnehager og skoler – muligheter og utfordringer 

      Midtsundstad, Jorunn H.; Aanensen, Mariette; Barken, Monica Endresen; Dale, Trine Smiseth; Engtrø, Randi; Flaten, Tom; Frestad, Trond Kenneth Andreassen; Hansen, Arve; Arnesen Moseid, Elin; Smith-Gahrsen, Martin (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)
      Vi som skriver dette kapitlet, er alle ansatt ved Universitet i Agder og deltar i regional kompetanseutvikling i barnehage og skole. Her diskuterer vi spørsmålet: Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer gir ordningen for utvikling ...
    • Textbook Tasks and Linguistic Diversity 

      Eriksen, Janne (Master thesis, 2024)
      This study investigates EFL textbook tasks found in textbooks designed for lower secondary schools (years 8-10) in Norway, published after the Norwegian curriculum reform in 2020. Tasks from two textbook series, comprising ...