Now showing items 1-20 of 37

    • Behind the Veil of Choice: Testing the Effect of Decision Information and Decision Structure Interventions in a Self-Service Food Setting 

      Thomassen, Erik; Øritsland, Casper (Master thesis, 2024)
      Through a series of three high powered studies, this thesis explores and measures responses to two different nudging interventions related to price display and serving utensils in a self-service food environment. Study 1 ...
    • Kunsten å Forebygge: Lederens Vei til et Harmonisk Hybrid Team 

      Høvik, Nickolai; Bolt-Hansen, Silje Sveen (Master thesis, 2024)
      Hybride team og bruk av hjemmekontor har hatt en betraktelig økning siden Covid-19, og blir ansett som fremtidens arbeidstilnærming for konsulentbransjen. Dette har medført store utfordringer for ledere, spesielt tilknyttet ...
    • Crowdfunding in the Norwegian digital press 

      Rud, Strand Matias (Master thesis, 2024)
      The study provides a comprehensive analysis of how media influences and reflects perceptions of crowdfunding. By analyzing trends in article numbers, sentiment, sources, and platform mentions, the research offers insights ...
    • Kunsten å Forebygge: Lederens Vei til et Harmonisk Hybrid Team 

      Høvik, Nickolai; Bolt-Hansen, Silje Sveen (Master thesis, 2024)
      Hybride team og bruk av hjemmekontor har hatt en betraktelig økning siden Covid-19, og blir ansett som fremtidens arbeidstilnærming for konsulentbransjen. Dette har medført store utfordringer for ledere, spesielt tilknyttet ...
    • Stoic Philosophy And Entrepreneurial Minds: Unveiling The Resilience Of Norwegian Entrepreneurs In The Context Of Stoicism 

      DYBWAD, LARS-MAGNUS; PRIPP, RASMUS NICOLAY (Master thesis, 2024)
      This study investigates the association between modern Stoic tenets and the resilience of entrepreneurs in Norwegian startups. The early failure rate of new firms in Norway and the obstructive mental impact because of ...
    • The Power of Unity 

      Refve, Maren; Ytterbøl, Alexander Skaug (Master thesis, 2024)
      Abstract Sopra Steria is one of Norway’s leading consulting businesses. For several years, they have been at the top of the prestigious Great Place to Work rankings. Considering the change in the external environment, their ...
    • The Power of Unity 

      Refve, Maren; Ytterbøl, Alexander Skaug (Master thesis, 2024)
      Sopra Steria is one of Norway’s leading consulting businesses. For several years, they have been at the top of the prestigious Great Place to Work rankings. Considering the change in the external environment, their size ...
    • From the classroom to the boardroom 

      Bergane, Sondre; Taksdal, Thorgeir (Master thesis, 2024)
      This thesis explores the role universities play in fostering successful student ventures through the Organizational Sponsorship (OS) framework. By analysing 13 student-founded startups, it identifies key support mechanisms ...
    • From the classroom to the boardroom 

      Bergane, Sondre; Taksdal, Thorgeir (Master thesis, 2024)
      This thesis explores the role universities play in fostering successful student ventures through the Organizational Sponsorship (OS) framework. By analysing 13 student-founded startups, it identifies key support mechanisms ...
    • How can utilities affect residents’ energy-efficiency investment intentions? 

      Madsen, Andreas Lien (Master thesis, 2024)
      Enforcing EU legislation and high electricity prices urge Norwegian residents to undertake energy-efficiency investments. However, investment inefficiencies, such as imperfect information on energy-efficiency investment ...
    • Implementering av ai i norske virksomheter 

      Maldum, Hanna Kristine Bergseth; Syvertsen, Vilde (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med masterutredelsen er å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som påvirker norske virksom- heters evne og ønske til å implementere AI. Da Open AI lanserte sin chatbot, Chat GPT, i slutten av 2022 skapte dette en internasjonal ...
    • Implementering av ai i norske virksomheter 

      Syvertsen, Vilde; Maldum, Hanna Kristine Bergseth (Master thesis, 2023)
      Formålet med masterutredelsen er å kartlegge hvilke faktorer som påvirker norske virksomheters evne og ønske til å implementere AI. Da Open AI lanserte sin chatbot, Chat GPT, i slutten av 2022 skapte dette en internasjonal ...
    • Ansiktsløft i nabolaget 

      Berg, Anders Magnus; Øyna, Jacob Skauerud (Master thesis, 2023)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven hatt fokus på hvordan prisutviklingen for Skansen og Østre Strandgate i Kristiansand har vært gjennom perioden 2005- 2023. En underliggende antakelse er at transformasjon av omliggende område har ...
    • Ansiktsløft i nabolaget 

      Berg, Anders Magnus; Øyna, Jacob Skauerud (Master thesis, 2023)
      Vi har i denne oppgaven hatt fokus på hvordan prisutviklingen for Skansen og Østre Strandgate i Kristiansand har vært gjennom perioden 2005- 2023. En underliggende antakelse er at transformasjon av omliggende område har ...
    • Fortjeneste i hæler eller slips? En empirisk studie av sammenhengen mellom kjønn på daglig leder og økonomisk ytelse i norske små og mellomstore bedrifter 

      MOMRAK, MATTIAS; PALM, FILIP (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne besvarelsen utforsker hvorvidt kjønn på daglig leder har en påvirkning på bedriftens økonomiske ytelse i norske små- og mellomstore bedrifter (SMB). Problemstillingen som stilles er: “Er det sammenheng mellom kjønn ...
    • Crowdfunding In Norway: Empirical Study Examining Entrepreneurs' Intentions to Use Crowdfunding 

      Aden, Sumeya; Ivanov, Georgi (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master's thesis investigates the drivers and inhibitors influencing the intention of entrepreneurs to use crowdfunding as a financing method, with a focus on the potential distinctions between native and immigrant ...
    • Evaluating STUD-ENT: A Quantitative Study on the Differences Between Receivers and Non-Receivers of the Government Grant STUD-ENT 

      Bjørdal, Betine Josefine; Haraldsen, Jonathan Sæstad (Master thesis, 2023)
      STUD-ENT does not enhance performance in startups other than boosting total sales income, this is what our findings suggest. Previous studies from a Norwegian context are split, while in other contexts the literature ...
    • Evaluating STUD-ENT: A Quantitative Study on the Differences Between Receivers and Non-Receivers of the Government Grant STUD-ENT 

      Bjørdal, Betine Josefine; ; Haraldsen, Jonathan Sæstad (Master thesis, 2023)
      STUD-ENT does not enhance performance in startups other than boosting total sales income, this is what our findings suggest. Previous studies from a Norwegian context are split, while in other contexts the literature ...
    • The EU taxonomy: Influencing Banks' Green Loan Portfolios and SMEs' Attitudes Towards Sustainability 

      Holsen Meier, Linnea; Rosland Elseth, Christine (Master thesis, 2023)
      The EU taxonomy was incorporated into Norwegian law at the beginning of 2023, directly impacting listed companies and financial institutions with over 500 employees. It obligates, among other actors, large Norwegian banks ...
    • Unge kvinners handlevaner 

      Pettersen, Maria (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dagens teknologi har ført til en digitalisering i samfunnet som stadig utvikler seg. Denne utviklingen har ledet til at flere bedrifter benytter digitale plattformer og løsninger, som også gir forbrukere større muligheter ...